The Top 10 Pill Pockets for Dogs of 2021 - Puppy Data

The Top 10 Pill Pockets for Dogs of 2021

pill pockets for dogs

We all want healthy puppies, so when it comes time for puppies to take pills, the situation can get stressful and frustrating. For puppies that don’t do well with pill administering, a great option is to wrap the pill in a pill pocket treat. Your puppy will think it’s getting a treat, but really it’s taking its medication. These treats come in many shapes and sizes, with flavors that will appeal to your puppy.

The advantage of treats is that they slow down the swallowing process, helping the medicine be more effective and less likely to cause digestive upset. It also prevents unwanted frustrations between you and your puppy so that your bond can remain strong.

Be sure to check out our top picks below to find one that matches your puppy’s taste buds and personality best.